Posted by JL Blog on July 26, 2020

TextRank: Bringing Order into Texts

1. 总览

TextRank 算法是PageRank算法在文本上的应用,它计算简单,而且不需要标注数据,可以用来提取文本的关键词,还可以用来提取文本摘要。要想彻底掌握TextRank, 必须要首先弄明白PageRank. TextRank 的关键在于构图,如何将图构建出来,只要图构建出来了,剩下的就是直接跟PageRank 一样,只要求出PageRank值,然后倒序获取top K 的顶点。以关键词提取为例来说明如何构图:先将文本按句子分开,针对每一个句子进行分词,词性标注,可以根据词性标注过滤掉一些无意义的词,然后将每一个词作为顶点,共现窗口内的词相当于有链接,直接做一条边。这样图就构建出来了。


An important aspect of TextRank is that it does not require deep linguistic knowledge, nor domain or language specific annotated corpora, which makes it highly portable to other domains, genres, or languages.






In this paper, we introduce TextRank – a graph-based ranking model for text processing, and show how this model can be successfully used in natural language applications. In particular, we propose two innovative unsupervised methods for keyword and sentence extraction, and show that the results obtained compare favorably with previously published results on established benchmarks.

1. Introduction

In short, a graph-based ranking algorithm is a way of deciding on the importance of a vertex within a graph, by taking into account global information recursively computed from the entire graph, rather than relying only on local vertex-specific information.


Applying a similar line of thinking to lexical or semantic graphs extracted from natural language documents, results in a graph-based ranking model that can be applied to a variety of natural language processing applications, where knowledge drawn from an entire text is used in making local ranking/selection decisions.


Such text-oriented ranking methods can be applied to tasks ranging from automated extraction of keyphrases, to extractive summarization and word sense disambiguation (Mihalcea etal., 2004).


In this paper, we introduce the TextRank graph-based ranking model for graphs extracted from natural language texts.

在这篇论文中,我们介绍了TextRank 一种基于图的排序模型用来从自然语言文本中提取图。

We investigate and evaluate the application of TextRank to two language processing tasks consisting of unsupervised keyword and sentence extraction, and show that the results obtained with TextRank are competitive with state-of-the-art systems developed in these areas.

我们研究和评估了,TextRank 在两种语言处理任务中的应用,这两种任务包括无监督关键字和句子提取,结果表明用TextRank 获得的结果与在这些领域中开发的最新系统具有竞争力。

2. TextRank model

Graph-based ranking algorithms are essentially a way of deciding the importance of a vertex within a graph, based on global information recursively drawn from the entire graph.


The basic idea implemented by a graph-based ranking model is that of “voting” or “recommendation”

基于图的排名模型的基本理念是“投票” 或”推荐”。

When one vertex links to another one, it is basically casting a vote for that other vertex. The higher the number of votes that are cast for a vertex, the higher the importance of the vertex.


Moreover, the importance of the vertex casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is, and this information is also taken into account by the ranking model. Hence, the score associated with a vertex is determined based on the votes that are cast for it, and the score of the vertices casting these votes.


Formally, let $G=(V, E) $ be a directed graph with with the set of vertices $V $ and the set of edges $E$, where $E$ is a subset of $V \times V$. For a given vertex $V_i$, let $In(V_i)$ be the set of vertices that point to it (predecessors), and let $Out(Vi)$ be the set of vertices that $Vi$ points to (successors).

The score of a vertex $Vi$ is defined as follows (Brin and Page, 1998):

where $d$ is a damping factor that can be set between 0 and 1, which has the role of integrating into the model the probability of jumping from a given vertex to another random vertex in the graph.

d 是一个(0,1)之间的阻尼系数, 它的作用是在图中将一个给定的顶点到一个随机顶点的概率整合到模型中去。

In the context of Web surfing, this graph-based ranking algorithm implements the “random surfer model”, where a user clicks on links at random with a probability $d$ , and jumps to a completely new page with probability $ 1 - d $ . The factor $d$ is usually set to 0.85 (Brin and Page, 1998), and this is the value we are also using in our implementation.

在网络冲浪的背景下,基于图的排名算法实现了“随机冲浪模型”, 在这个模型中,用户以概率d随机点击链接,以概率1-d调到一个全新的页面。因子d 通常设置为0.85, 在我们的实现中我们也将用这个值。

Starting from arbitrary values assigned to each node in the graph, the computation iterates until convergence below a given threshold is achieved 1. After running the algorithm, a score is associated with each vertex, which represents the “importance” of the vertex within the graph. Notice that the final values obtained after TextRank runs to completion are not affected by the choice of the initial value, only the number of iterations to convergence may be different.

首先对图中的每个节点随机赋值,迭代计算直到收敛低于给定阈值为止。运行算法后,每个顶点对应一个分数,表示图中该顶点的重要性。注意到 TextRank 运行结束后得到的最终结果不受初始值的影响,只是达到收敛的迭代次数可能不同。

It is important to notice that although the TextRank applications described in this paper rely on an algorithm derived from Google’s PageRank (Brin and Page, 1998), other graph-based ranking algorithms such as e.g. HITS (Kleinberg, 1999) or Positional Function (Herings et al., 2001) can be easily integrated into the TextRank model (Mihalcea, 2004).

值得注意的是,尽管本文中描述的TextRank应用程序依赖于一种源自谷歌的PageRank (Brin and Page, 1998)的算法,但其他基于图表的排序算法,例如HITS (Kleinberg, 1999)或位置函数(Herings et al., 2001)可以很容易地进行整合到TextRank模型(Mihalcea, 2004)。

For loosely connected graphs, with the number of edges proportional with the number of vertices, undirected graphs tend to have more gradual convergence curves.

Weighted Graph

In the context of Web surfing, it is unusual for a page to include multiple or partial links to another page, and hence the original PageRank definition for graph-based ranking is assuming unweighted graphs.


However, in our model the graphs are build from natural language texts, and may include multiple or partial links between the units (vertices) that are extracted from text.


It may be therefore useful to indicate and incorporate into the model the “strength” of the connection between two vertices $V_i$ and $V_j$ as a weight $W_{i j}$ added to the corresponding edge that connects the two vertices.

因此,指示并将两个顶点 $V_i$ 和 $V_j $ 之间连接的“强度”作为权重 $ W_{i j} $ 添加到连接两个顶点的对应边上可能是有用的。

Consequently, we introduce a new formula for graph-based ranking that takes into account edge weights when computing the score associated with a vertex in the graph. Notice that a similar formula can be defined to integrate vertex weights.

Text as a Graph

To enable the application of graph-based ranking algorithms to natural language texts, we have to build a graph that represents the text, and interconnects words or other text entities with meaningful relations.


Depending on the application at hand, text units of various sizes and characteristics can be added as vertices in the graph, e.g. words, collocations, entire sentences, or others.


Similarly, it is the application that dictates the type of relations that are used to draw connections between any two such vertices, e.g. lexical or semantic relations, contextual overlap, etc.


Regardless of the type and characteristics of the elements added to the graph, the application of graphbased ranking algorithms to natural language texts consists of the following main steps:


  1. Identify text units that best define the task at hand, and add them as vertices in the graph.


  1. Identify relations that connect such text units, and use these relations to draw edges between vertices in the graph. Edges can be directed or undirected, weighted or unweighted.


  1. Iterate the graph-based ranking algorithm until convergence.


  2. Sort vertices based on their final score. Use the values attached to each vertex for ranking/selection decisions.


In the following, we investigate and evaluate the application of TextRank to two natural language processing tasks involving ranking of text units:

接下来,我们将研究和评估TextRank 在两类涉及文本单元排名的自然语言处理任务中的应用。

(1) A keyword extraction task, consisting of the selection of keyphrases representative for a given text;


(2) A sentence extraction task, consisting of the identification of the most “important” sentences in a text, which can be used to build extractive summaries.


3. Keyword Extraction

The task of a keyword extraction application is to automatically identify in a text a set of terms that best describe the document.


Such keywords may constitute useful entries for building an automatic index for a document collection, can be used to classify a text, or may serve as a concise summary for a given document.


Moreover, a system for automatic identification of important terms in a text can be used for the problem of terminology extraction, and construction of domain-specific dictionaries.


In this section, we report on our experiments in keyword extraction using TextRank, and show that the graph-based ranking model outperforms the best published results in this problem.

Similar to (Hulth, 2003), we are evaluating our algorithm on keyword extraction from abstracts, mainly for the purpose of allowing for a direct comparison with the results she reports with her keyphrase extraction system. Notice that the size of the text is not a limitation imposed by our system, and similar results are expected with TextRank applied on full-texts.

TextRank for Keyword Extraction

The expected end result for this application is a set of words or phrases that are representative for a given natural language text.

The units to be ranked are therefore sequences of one or more lexical units extracted from text, and these represent the vertices that are added to the text graph.

Any relation that can be defined between two lexical units is a potentially useful connection (edge) that can be added between two such vertices.


We are using a co-occurrence relation, controlled by the distance between word occurrences: two vertices are connected if their corresponding lexical units co-occur within a window of maximum $N$ words, where $N$ can be set anywhere from 2 to 10 words.

共现窗口大小N 从2到10。


Co-occurrence links express relations between syntactic elements, and similar to the semantic links found useful for the task of word sense disambiguation (Mihalcea et al., 2004), they represent cohesion indicators for a given text.

共现连接表达了句法要素之间的关系,与用于词义消歧任务的语义链接类似(Mihalcea et al., 2004),它们代表了给定文本的内聚性指标。

The vertices added to the graph can be restricted with syntactic filters, which select only lexical units of a certain part of speech. One can for instance consider only nouns and verbs for addition to the graph, and consequently draw potential edges based only on relations that can be established between nouns and verbs. We experimented with various syntactic filters, including: all open class words, nouns and verbs only, etc., with best results observed for nouns and adjectives only, as detailed in section 3.2.

The TextRank keyword extraction algorithm is fully unsupervised, and proceeds as follows.

TextRank 关键词提取算法是完全的无监督,过程如下:

First,the text is tokenized, and annotated with part of speech tags – a preprocessing step required to enable the application of syntactic filters.


To avoid excessive growth of the graph size by adding all possible combinations of sequences consisting of more than one lexical unit (ngrams), we consider only single words as candidates for addition to the graph, with multi-word keywords being eventually reconstructed in the post-processing phase.


Next, all lexical units that pass the syntactic filter are added to the graph, and an edge is added between those lexical units that co-occur within a window of $N$ words.


After the graph is constructed (undirected unweighted graph), the score associated with each vertex is set to an initial value of 1, and the ranking algorithm described in section 2 is run on the graph for several iterations until it converges – usually for 20-30 iterations, at a threshold of 0.0001.

3.图建立后,与每个顶点关联的分数被初始化为1, 排名算法运行很多次迭代直到收敛。 通常迭代20到30次,阈值设置为0.0001.

Once a final score is obtained for each vertex in the graph, vertices are sorted in reversed order of their score, and the top $T$ vertices in the ranking are retained for post-processing.


While $T$ may be set to any fixed value, usually ranging from 5 to 20 keywords (e.g. (Turney, 1999) limits the number of keywords extracted with his GenEx system to five), we are using a more flexible approach, which decides the number of keywords based on the size of the text. For the data used in our experiments, which consists of relatively short abstracts, $T$ is set to a third of the number of vertices in the graph.

During post-processing, all lexical units selected as potential keywords by the TextRank algorithm are marked in the text, and sequences of adjacent keywords are collapsed into a multi-word keyword.


For instance, in the text Matlab code for plotting ambiguity functions, if both Matlab and code are selected as potential keywords by TextRank, since they are adjacent, they are collapsed into one single keyword Matlab code.




Regardless of the direction chosen for the arcs, results obtained with directed graphs are worse than results obtained with undirected graphs, which suggests that despite a natural flow in running text, there is no natural “direction” that can be established between co-occurring words.

不管为圆弧选择哪个方向,使用有向图获得的结果都比无向图获得的结果差,这表明尽管运行文本自然流动,但是在同现词之间无法建立自然的“方向” 。

Overall, our TextRank system leads to an Fmeasure higher than any of the previously proposed systems. Notice that TextRank is completely unsupervised, and unlike other supervised systems, it relies exclusively on information drawn from the text itself, which makes it easily portable to other text collections, domains, and languages.

4. Sentence Extraction

The other TextRank application that we investigate consists of sentence extraction for automatic summarization.

In a way, the problem of sentence extraction can be regarded as similar to keyword extraction, since both applications aim at identifying sequences that are more “representative” for the given text.

In keyword extraction, the candidate text units consist of words or phrases, whereas in sentence extraction, we deal with entire sentences.

TextRank turns out to be well suited for this type of applications, since it allows for a ranking over text units that is recursively computed based on information drawn from the entire text.


TextRank for Sentence Extraction

To apply TextRank, we first need to build a graph associated with the text, where the graph vertices are representative for the units to be ranked. For the task of sentence extraction, the goal is to rank entire sentences, and therefore a vertex is added to the graph for each sentence in the text.

要应用TextRank,我们首先需要构建一个与文本关联的图形,其中图形的顶点是 代表要排名的单位。对于句子提取的任务,目标是对整个句子进行排名,因此,为文本中的每个句子在图上添加了一个顶点。

The co-occurrence relation used for keyword extraction cannot be applied here, since the text units in consideration are significantly larger than one or few words, and “co-occurrence” is not a meaningful relation for such large contexts.


Instead, we are defining a different relation, which determines a connection between two sentences if there is a “similarity” relation between them, where “similarity” is measured as a function of their content overlap.

Such a relation between two sentences can be seen as a process of “recommendation”: a sentence that addresses certain concepts in a text, gives the reader a “recommendation” to refer to other sentences in the text that address the same concepts, and therefore a link can be drawn between any two such sentences that share common content.


The overlap of two sentences can be determined simply as the number of common tokens between the lexical representations of the two sentences, or it can be run through syntactic filters, which only count words of a certain syntactic category, e.g. all open class words, nouns and verbs, etc.


Moreover, to avoid promoting long sentences, we are using a normalization factor, and divide the content overlap of two sentences with the length of each sentence.


Formally, given two sentences $S_i$ and $S_j$ with a sentence being represented by the set of $N_i$ words that appear in the sentence: $S_{i}=w_{1}^{i}, w_{2}^{i}, \ldots, w_{N_{i}}^{i}$ , the similarity of $S_i$ and $ S_j $ is defined as :


Other sentence similarity measures, such as string kernels, cosine similarity, longest common subsequence,etc. are also possible, and we are currently evaluating their impact on the summarization performance.

The resulting graph is highly connected, with a weight associated with each edge, indicating the strength of the connections established between various sentence pairs in the text. The text is therefore represented as a weighted graph, and consequently we are using the weighted graph-based ranking formula introduced in Section 2.2.

After the ranking algorithm is run on the graph, sentences are sorted in reversed order of their score, and the top ranked sentences are selected for inclusion in the summary.


The sentences with the highest rank are selected for inclusion in the abstract.


TextRank succeeds in identifying the most important sentences in a text based on information exclusively drawn from the text itself. Unlike other supervised systems, which attempt to learn what makes a good summary by training on collections of summaries built for other articles, TextRank is fully unsupervised, and relies only on the given text to derive an extractive summary, which represents a summarization model closer to what humans are doing when producing an abstract for a given document.

Notice that TextRank goes beyond the sentence “connectivity” in a text.


Another important aspect of TextRank is that it gives a ranking over all sentences in a text – which means that it can be easily adapted to extracting very short summaries (sentence), or longer more explicative summaries, consisting of more than 100 words.

Finally, another advantage of TextRank over previously proposed methods for building extractive summaries is the fact that it does not require training corpora, which makes it easily adaptable to other languages or domains.

5. Why TextRank Works

Intuitively, TextRank works well because it does not only rely on the local context of a text unit (vertex), but rather it takes into account information recursively drawn from the entire text (graph).


Through the graphs it builds on texts, TextRank identifies connections between various entities in a text, and implements the concept of recommendation.


A text unit recommends other related text units, and the strength of the recommendation is recursively computed based on the importance of the units making the recommendation.


For instance, in the keyphrase extraction application, co-occurring words recommend each other as important, and it is the common context that enables the identification of connections between words in text.


In the process of identifying important sentences in a text, a sentence recommends another sentence that addresses similar concepts as being useful for the overall understanding of the text.


The sentences that are highly recommended by other sentences in the text are likely to be more informative for the given text, and will be therefore given a higher score.


Through its iterative mechanism, TextRank goes beyond simple graph connectivity, and it is able to score text units based also on the “importance” of other text units they link to.


The text units selected by TextRank for a given application are the ones most recommended by related text units in the text, with preference given to the recommendations made by most influential ones, i.e. the ones that are in turn highly recommended by other related units.


The underlying hypothesis is that in a cohesive text fragment, related text units tend to form a “Web” of connections that approximates the model humans build about a given context in the process of discourse understanding.


6. Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced TextRank – a graphbased ranking model for text processing, and show how it can be successfully used for natural language applications. In particular, we proposed and evaluated two innovative unsupervised approaches for keyword and sentence extraction, and showed that the accuracy achieved by TextRank in these applications is competitive with that of previously proposed state-of-the-art algorithms.

An important aspect of TextRank is that it does not require deep linguistic knowledge, nor domain or language specific annotated corpora, which makes it highly portable to other domains, genres, or languages.
